Η παιδεία, καθάπερ ευδαίμων χώρα, πάντα τ’ αγαθά φέρει.


από Φεβ 1, 2021


Kakopetria is a traditional famous mountain village in Cyprus, rich in history and culture, with a river passing by. 

More information about the village https://www.kakopetriavillage.com/ 
Our school is a regional rural school that has 102 students with a multicultural background aged 6-12 years, and 11 teachers. 

As a school, we aim to develop in intellectually capable young people the creative minds, healthy bodies, and ethical spirits needed to contribute wisdom, compassion, and leadership to a global society. We also want to prepare students to understand, contribute to, and succeed in a rapidly changing society, thus making the world a better and more just place. As a school with multicultural background, we are committed to sustaining a school in which individuals representing diverse cultures and experiences instruct one another in the meaning and value of community and in the joy and importance of lifelong learning.

Traditional crafts is a subject we want our students to get to know and appreciate. Kakopetria was for many years a village renowned for its silkworm breeding and the production -and also the processing -of silk, until even after W.W.II. Indeed, it is mentioned that during the years of W.W.II the British took all of the silk production from Kakopetria (like they did with the production from other villages in Cyprus) for the making of parachutes. Women exploited the cocoons of the silkworms and used them to make decorations, artifacts and trays. We consider extremely important for our students to get to know their cultural heritage and preserve it. Taken in mind that a number of our students’ ancestors were involved in these crafts and trades, it is very important to know the historical roots of their families. It is also considered very important for students to understand how other factors such as the morphological structure, the weather affected the choice of trades in the past. 

Key persons in charge of running the project are our principal, Mrs Niki Pieridou and Mrs Katerina Kontoyianni (Teacher, Project Coordinator).