Η παιδεία, καθάπερ ευδαίμων χώρα, πάντα τ’ αγαθά φέρει.


από Μαρ 15, 2021

Our school is situated in the north-west part of Romania, in the city of Oradea. 69 teachers and 19 non-teaching staff are working and teaching in 3 buildings, one of them situated in the rural area of Bihor county (Episcopia Bihor). On 2 levels-primary and secondary level- we house 822 Ss from the preparatory through the 8th form, and they continue in the 9th form with the passing of a “leaving” exam. They are tested in Romanian and Hungarian language and Maths.Last year we introduced the Chess Palace optional discipline in 4 of our classes as a result of our ongoing Erasmus project. We want to build a safe and supportive school climate for EACH child, to develop open-minded attitudes towards the world and we also guide Ss towards their future careers according to their own potential. We do our best to integrate children with different disabilities into the group: 8 orphans, 32 students with bad financial condition, 23 Ss with special needs and a number of 114 Ss with learning disabilities and low academic marks.
With this project we want to find a solution to the threats we identified 2 years ago: an increasing number of Ss with parents working abroad, Ss who live with  grandparents/relatives.Their emotional drop-down can be felt in the class atmosphere, they are not accepted by their peers. With this project we want to help their inclusion, we wish to provide them attractive learning environment by engaging them in craft-related activities.
Our Ts noticed the benefits of Arts and Crafts activities on Ss-they open themselves, cooperate, they accept each other. Having more and more craft related activities we can invest in building their cognitive, physical, and social development and also HELP in boosting their academic performance.
Meeting European peers and trying crafts that started disappearing, we support Ss in the process of a conscious and independent choice of the next
stage of education. Tooling, team working and problem-solving are cross-disciplinary skills, and learning disappearing crafts can offer a good job
opportunity for our pupils in the future.